TopLine Business Solutions

The Number One Resource For Training And Supporting

Marketing and Business Development Consultants Worldwide

Business Development Consultants Training

There are more than 25 million businesses in the U.S., and the number increases every day. According to the Small Business Administration the failure rate of businesses during their first five years is over 60 percent! What’s more, Dun and Bradstreet estimates 82% will go under by their 10th year in business. The vast majority of these businesses could be saved IF ONLY their owners knew what to do. WHEN the right Marketing or Business Consultant comes along, one who specializes in…
  • Generating windfall profits by uncovering the hidden assets and overlooked opportunities almost every business owner is sitting on…
  • Implementing revenue-generating marketing and sales SYSTEMS not one in a hundred other business owners know…  
  • ​Other powerful, but little-known marketing and sales strategies—ones that don’t cost the business owner a dime…
…then a business owner’s decision to use that consultant is practically a “no-brainer.”

YOU Can Be That Consultant And Easily Write Your Own Ticket. 

If you’re entrepreneurially-minded, this could very well be the most important message you’ll ever read… because you’re about to learn about an amazing, little-known business you can start which is so exciting, so lucrative and has so much potential, you’ll wonder why you didn’t consider it sooner.  

What kind of business is it, you ask? BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING – The “Perfect” Small Business. 

Business Development Consulting is the PERFECT small business for all sorts of enterprising, opportunity-oriented people who see enormous opportunity in helping other small and medium-sized business owners grow their businesses profitably. Why? Because it’s the ONLY BUSINESS which has all the great advantages of a business or franchise ownership—yet NONE of the disadvantages.  

As a Business Development Consultant you’re paid what you’re truly worth for your business, marketing and sales knowledge, and money-making ideas. And as your skill and reputation grows, you have a constant, never-ending supply of clients eager (and sometimes desperate) for someone like you to assist them in boosting their business. And because of your success you’ll be introduced to all kinds of new business opportunities that you can get involved in which require your unique skill set, contacts and creative business ideas.  

For Once (And Maybe The First Time In Your Life) The Tables Are Turned In Your Favor.  

In fact, your biggest challenge starting out may be deciding WHICH opportunities you should focus on and which to turn away. Because unlike other jobs, careers or businesses, your value is NOT based on how hard you work, nor HOW LONG you work. It’s based entirely on what you know that will help business owners achieve their business goals and objectives. So you are the one who must decide where your knowledge and expertise will be best used for the quickest and most profitable pay-off for YOU.  

The Reality: Business owners want rapid growth and profits; they want a competitive edge; and they want fresh, innovative ideas and strategies that get more customers to buy from them and to buy more often. And YOU can be their hero, simply by giving them fresh, new marketing approaches, creative sales ideas and other growth-oriented strategies and systems they need to survive and thrive.  

By the way, this ISN’T hard... IF you know how. And that’s exactly what our turn-key, step-by-step Business Development Consultant Training Workshop will teach you. Besides having all the business you can handle, THE MOST IMPORTANT REASON to consider the business consulting business is that the money you make dwarfs that of any other business or profession, INCLUDING owning a brand-name franchise. It’s entirely possible to earn six-figures in as little as six short months with almost no start-up costs other than phone, fax and computer. 

Compare that to owning a restrictive franchise or other risky business opportunity— where you’d be considered fortunate to be drawing a meager salary during your first few years working your heart out. There’s no Comparison! 

The Bottom Line: As a Business Development Consultant you are not paid for your time, or how much or how hard you work. You are compensated for your winning ideas, marketing strategies and direct contribution to a business owner’s success. If you’re an entrepreneurially–minded person, someone who’s serious about making a ton of money in your own business, the extraordinary income and rewarding benefits of a Business Development Consultant is a perfect fit.  

Our unique financing program makes it very easy to get started. Our comprehensive training and turnkey systems help you set up your own business, magnetically attract all the clients you can handle, and deliver workable solutions that thrill your clients while generating huge sums of money for you. No need to give up your present job while you get started. This business can easily be done on a part time basis.

Here's What A Handful Of Our Clients Have To Say...

“Martin is an exceptional consultant, businessman and teacher. I attended a conference he gave 2 years ago and, in 4 days, I learned more about business development than I had learned in my nearly 17 previous years as a management consultant. 

He is incredibly giving of his time and truly cares about his customers. If you are looking for a business partner with a unique combination of experience and integrity, you would be wise to talk to Martin Howey.”


Ed O.

“I have known Martin now for about five years. I have to say that Martin is one of the most innovative business development consultants I have ever encountered. His advice is always very tangible and in every instance I have applied it, I have seen tremendous results. 

If you are in need of a business development consultant to help you grow your Top Line, or if you are a business development consultant looking to grow your practice, you owe it to yourself to contact Martin Howey.”

Jeff S.

“Hi my name Is Sukuma and when it comes to growing my business and getting proven ideas that work. I call and depend on Martin Howey. Not only have I’ve trained with Martin to become a business consultant but he’s has also been very helpful with idea’s in my other businesses. 

 I highly Recommend Martin and his company Topline Business Solutions for anyone real about growing their business and most importantly getting results.”

Sukuma A.

“Martin is the guy I go to when I need the right solution immediately. He has a wealth of knowledge in so many areas and I can say that I would not enjoy near the success I enjoy today without his counsel.

Martin was recommended to me by a man I have known and trusted for years and the reasons are clear.

I am better off as a result of working with Martin and, perhaps even better so are my clients.” 

Steve C.  

“Martin has a keen ability to zero in on exactly what needs to be done to make businesses more profitable! 

I was amazed at not only his depth of knowledge but also in his willingness to share. 

My business and my ability to help my clients has been forever changed by Martin’s expert training and generosity.”


“Martin draws upon a vast range of experience to provide business owners and managers with effective growth strategies and to train others in his field. 

 This man truly cares – he is, above all, kind and giving by nature. 

Martin always appears motivated – first and foremost – by his desire to help others and to treat everyone he meets with the utmost respect. And that’s too rare a commodity.”

Ken T.

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IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers: The sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of building my own businesses for the last 50 years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT register for this training. 

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.