TopLine Business Solutions

The Number One Resource For Training And Supporting

Marketing and Business Development Consultants Worldwide

Actual Case Studies... What Our Clients Are Saying

“I Can’t Keep Up With the Demand For My Services”

“Clients pay me $6,500 up front, plus $5,000 a month and 30% of their gross revenues and I can’t keep up with the demand for my services. Thanks, Martin!” 

Andre Larabie  


I Was Ready To Sell the Store and Get Out of the Business, 

Until I applied Your Suggestions and Got 17 New Customers  

in the First 10 Days!” 

“I was ready to sell the store and get out of the business, until I applied your suggestions and got 17 new customers in the first 10 days!”  

“I originally got into this business as a partnership with a dear friend of mine. We live in a large town with lots of restaurants but that very few offer home delivery services. If you want their food on a take-out basis, you have to go there and get it.  

“My friend was very outgoing and approached the owners or managers of several of the restaurants and convinced them that if they would offer a home delivery service, that they could increase their customer base, and therefore, their profits. The response was good, and we quickly established a pretty good business for ourselves.  

“When my friend’s husband’s employer transferred him to another state, she and her family went along, and our partnership was ended. Since I was the “activity” arm of the business, and she was the one who did the marketing and restaurant contact, our marketing slowed to a complete stop while I attempted to do it all.  

“Your suggestions to 1) Automate our marketing, 2) Sub out the delivery process, and 3) Include lunch deliveries to clubs and businesses during the day, freed up my time and allowed me to do more of the more important tasks. As a result, I took on a whole new role in the business, my confidence increased, and I picked up 17 new restaurant customers in the first 10 days!  

“I never realized how important it is to prioritize activities, delegate (or subcontract) the ones that are less profitable or less desirable, and focus on what brings in the profits. Instead of giving up and wanting to sell the business, I am now back in full force and am going after new customers as fast as we can grow!”  

Lois Ferguson, Owner  


Restaurant Delivery Service 

“I’m Just Blown Away By the Tools and System…” 

After going through this training, I’ve got to tell you, I’m just blown away by the tools and system that I have to work with my clients with. I’m very excited coming out of here; I have a couple of clients already that I’ve been talking with, and the world is my oyster with this program.” 

C.B Schottland  

Rochester, New York 

“[I Can] Bring my Influential Companies Results and Profits 

They Would Never Have Been Able to Do Themselves.” 

“Martin Howey’s TopLine system has enabled me to work with some very influential companies and bring them results and profits they would never have been able to do themselves.”  

Vincenzo Lufino  


“After 20 Years In Consulting I’ve Finally Found What I Was Looking For”  

“After 20 years in consulting I’ve finally found what I was looking for. The TopLine training is intensive and enjoyable, and Martin’s follow up support is second to none.”  

John Corcoran  


“Our Conversion of Leads to Sales Increased From 12% to 77%…”  

“Our business was increasing on an annual basis at what we considered to be an acceptable rate – about 8% per annum. After meeting with Martin and him showing us how, with a few tweaks to our existing systems, the implementation of a few things we weren’t doing, and really, very little extra time or effort on our collective parts, we could significantly change the profitability of our company.  

“Bill Thomas, our president was skeptical at first, but the rest of the staff pressured him into at least letting us try some of Martin’s suggested strategies. The result? We not only increased the number of leads we generated by 22%, but we increased the number that we converted into actual sales from 12% to 77%. When you consider that that 77% is on top of the additional 22% increase in leads, it adds up to a very nice increase in profits.  

“That increase was enough to convince Bill to let us move ahead with Martin’s full consulting program, and we expect to see real big improvements in our bottom line profits by the end of the year.”  

Jack Peters, Section Manager  

Backman Productions, Inc.  

Software Production Company  

“3 Weeks Out of Training I got 3 Signed Agreements With New Clients”  

“Just 3 weeks out of training I got 3 signed agreements with new clients. Most of my new business comes from networking and TopLine’s excellent Special Reports.”  

Alex Makarski  


“Specific Marketing and Lead Generating Ideas that Virtually Any  

Consultant Can Put to Use in the Matter of a Day or a Week at the Most” 

[Martin Howey] gave me a couple specific marketing and lead generating ideas that virtually any consultant, any self-important individual can put to use in the matter of a day or a week at the most at almost no cost and it’s going to generate leads and clients and new business like crazy.”  

Adam Urbanski  


“$9,700 in additional sales in the first 30 days!” 

“One of the hardest things to do is to convince doctors, dentists, chiropractors and health-care providers to turn their billings over to an outside source. They think they can do the job in-house cheaper and maintain control.  

“The real facts are, we can do the job for them on an out-sourcing basis for about what it costs them to do it in-house, and we have a much better collection rate than they do, because their patients are dealing with an outside source, rather than someone they know and see in the office every time they visit.  

“One of the many suggestions Martin gave us was to offer a 60-day trial of our services to our prospects on a completely risk-free basis. The idea was to measure what the dollar amount of collection was, as well as the percentage of accounts collected, and compare how we performed for those 60 days against any other 60-day period of the prospect’s choice.  

“If we couldn’t out-perform what they did, there would be no charge to them. But if we did improve the dollars and percentage collected, they would pay us a percentage of the increase we generated for them.  

“We took on 7 new clients as a result of that offer, and in several cases we didn’t have to wait the full 60 days to see the results. In the first 30 days alone, we generated an additional $9,700 in new income. This program works, and we are in the process of implementing other of Martin’s strategies and suggestions in our business.”  

Bryan Miller, President  

Billings Services, Inc.  

Medical/Dental Billing Services Company  

“4 Clients In My First 2 Weeks”  

“I got 4 clients in my first 2 weeks, and I work with 9 to 12 clients at a time. With my calendar as full as I want, I can now pick and choose who I want to work with.”  

Cesar Curiel  


“The Ideas Were Practical, Effective, and Really, Really Smart” 

“I was blown away by the ideas and I plan to take them all and implement them as quickly as possible. They were practical, they were effective, they were really, really smart.”  

Betsy Burroughs  

San Francisco, CA 

“Immediate Changes In Our Business That Will Equal About 

$374,000 In Additional Revenue” 

“We’ve made immediate changes in our business that will equal about $374,000 in additional revenue doing a minimum… and we’ve just begun to apply the techniques I learned from Martin Howey.”  

Joel Bauer  


“Martin Howey’s TopLine System Works!”

Martin Howey’s TopLine system works! It opens doors and minds for you and allows you to present your message in a way that it’s practically impossible for your prospects to refuse to accept.”  

Marie Golloway  


“Martin Cares More About The Success of His Clients  

Than He Does His Own Profits”  

“I’ve had 1 or 2 mastermind consultations with Martin every year for the last few years. We cover so much ground in such detail in such a short time period that it is overwhelming and intimidating. It takes me a few extra days to absorb all that we cover. Even though I’m an expert in my field, Martin’s vast knowledge, command and insight make me feel like a college freshman on the first day of business school. 

Even though he’s never come out and said it, I get the feeling he cares more about the success of his clients than he does his own profits. That is a lesson for all of us. His professional generosity humbles me and that is no easy task.”  

Chris Hubbs  


“…A Keen Ability to Zero In On Exactly What Needs To Be Done” 

“Martin has a keen ability to zero in on exactly what needs to be done to make businesses more profitable! I was amazed at not only his depth of knowledge but also in his willingness to share. My business and my ability to help my clients has been forever changed by Martin’s expert training and generosity.”  

DJ Ehlert  


“I Call and Depend On Martin Howey”  

“Hi my name Is Sukuma and when it comes to growing my business and getting proven ideas that work. I call and depend on Martin Howey. Not only have I’ve trained with Martin to become a business consultant but he’s has also been very helpful with idea’s in my other businesses.  

I highly Recommend Martin and his company Topline Business Solutions for anyone real about growing their business and most importantly getting results.”  

Sukuma Avery  


“Martin is the Most Giving Person I Have Ever Met”  

“I was honored and privileged to be able to attend Martin’s world famous Marketing and Business Development Consultant training program at Topline Business Solutions. Martin is the most giving person I have ever met. In his training program he taught universal business strategies that will work to improve the bottom line profits of any business, in any city, large or small.  

Why? Because Martin has learned what works for small to medium sized businesses through his 45 + years of consulting, training and teaching. Martin’s creditability, experience and unwavering devotion to help others are just a few of the reasons I would highly recommend him to any business needing a marketing and business development consultant or anyone considering being trained to offer these services in your area.  

Martin is not only a mentor to me, but I am proud to call him my friend.”  

Murray Black  


“The Education Exceeds What is Taught in MBA Programs…” 

“Martin Howey is the consummate professional. My wife and I had the pleasure of attending one of Martins “Consultants” seminars in Phoenix and were blown away by the high level of professionalism, the quality of the handout materials and the focus that Martin maintained throughout the seminar. We have applied over 90% of the strategies that we learned from Martin in our own Promotional Products business and the greatest beneficiary is our clients who have experienced success. 

If you are considering hiring Martin or attending one of his seminars, don’t wait. The education you will get exceeds what is taught in MBA programs around the country and he shows you how to apply that knowledge in everyday business practice. Thanks Martin.”  

Bradford Miller  

“Martin is a Real Class Act!”  

“Martin is a real class act. His knowledge and expertise in business and marketing are evident whenever you speak with him. His honest approach is a breath of fresh air in a world today where everything is all hype. I continue to be impressed with both him and TopLine Business Solutions, he has helped me advance my business and become a better consultant and advisor!”  

Dominic Sembello  


“Martin Truly Lives By the Philosophy of  

Helping Others Be Successful” 

“I can’t say enough good things about Martin. When I first met him in 2008 it was to learn his Topline methods. Martin is a rare person in the consulting/coaching/training industry. He is truly lives by the philosophy of help others be successful and your success will follow.  

If you are considering working with Martin or joining Topline… don’t think about it anymore, just make the commitment and move forward… you won’t be sorry.”  

Brian Kaskavalciyan  


“A Business Consulting Legend”  

“Martin Howey is a Business Consulting Legend. His services are worth at least 10 times of my fee and he is truly passionate about achieving success. Two thumbs up and I strongly recommend.”  

Mitelan Theivendran  


“Tangible Advice That Produces Tremendous Results”  

“I have known Martin now for about five years. I have to say that Martin is one of the most innovative business development consultants I have ever encountered. His advice is always very tangible and in every instance I have applied it, I have seen tremendous results. If you are in need of a business development consultant to help you grow your TopLine, or if you are a business development consultant looking to grow your practice, you owe it to yourself to contact Martin Howey.”  

Jeff Standridge, Ed.D. 


“Open and Very Available to Discuss Ideas”  

“I have worked with Martin for several years.I have found him to be open and very available to discuss ideas which arise in my consulting service. He has insight that comes from experience, and is always learning new skills which he implements and then provides to his clients.He is ready to help you go to the next level with your business.”  

Rick Bierut  


“One of the Best Marketing Minds in Today’s Market”  

“Thank you Martin Howey. You are the one of the best strategic marketing advisers I’ve ever experienced in my life.  

I worked with Martin as an protege in his Top Line Business Solutions Consulting Program, and he has engineered some of the best marketing strategies I have ever seen. And now I use them on a daily basis for my own consulting company and for my clients. 

I have to say that I am a decent marketer after my 23 years being a marketing adviser and consultant. But as good as I am at marketing, I still have to say that Martin is better. He is one of the best marketing minds in today’s market.  

Martin is a great marketing master.”  

Jon Refsdahl  


“In 4 Days, I Learned More Than I Had in Nearly 17 Years As a Management Consultant”  

“Martin is an exceptional consultant, businessman and teacher. I attended a conference he gave 2 years ago and, in 4 days, I learned more about business development than I had learned in my nearly 17 previous years as a management consultant. He is incredibly giving of his time and truly cares about his customers. If you are looking for a business partner with a unique combination of experience and integrity, you would be wise to talk to Martin Howey.”  

Ed Orlandi  


“Willing to Help With Any Question You Have”  

“Martin is a great guy who helped me get organized in my approach to helping business owners. He is willing to help with any question you have.”  

Gregg Greer  


“The Most Thorough, Tightly Focused, and Insightful Blueprints 

For Performance in Any Economy”  

“I have completed a 4-day strategic business development workshop with Martin that delivered the most thorough, tightly focused, and insightful blueprints for performance in any economy. His content and strategies are timeless, and can be applied in any economy locally, nationally, or globally.  

His industry insights and strategic discussions, provided me with actionable next steps to help and serve any business interested in applying new approaches to today’s challenges through the thoughtful and well considered methods and performance measures that he teaches.  

You owe it to yourself to explore and connect with Martin’s expert training and his professional curriculum delivery. It is a pleasure to consider Martin a business associate and mentor. For more information about Martin and his business, Topline Business Solutions, please visit:  

Miguel de Jesus  


“The Assistance and Training Has Been Invaluable”  

“The assistance and training Martin has provide for my firm C & A Consulting and me personally has been invaluable. You would be well served to take the opportunity to avail yourself of Martin’s talents and experience.”  

Don Carthorn  


“Martin is the Trainer of Trainers in the Consulting Field” 

“I decided on Topline and Martin after almost 6 months of research because Martin is the trainer of trainers in the consulting field. It has been years since training and I still think of the value the training has provided for me and my family. Martin, I owe you many thanks and want to let you know I’m still trying to use everything you taught me. My clients have made millions because of what you have passed on to me. Keep up the generous execution of your passion it is helping many more than you know!  

Troy Authement  


“TopLine’s Material is Comprehensive, Martin’s Follow Up  

Mentoring and Resource Library Builds Confidence” 

“Working with Martin is a pleasure. His business consulting course equipped me with the skills I needed to analyze business performance, to spot areas that can be improved to add to the bottom line, and implement and maintain those improvements. TopLine’s material is comprehensive and Martin’s follow up mentoring and resource library builds confidence. From my personal experience I can confidently recommend TopLine.”  

Dan Elder  


“Martin Has a Knack For Making Complex Things Seem Simple”  

“Martin is one the best consulting coaches out there. He has a knack for making complex things seem simple and is an inexhaustible source of positive energy.  

They say perpetual engine does not exist. They’re wrong: It is called Martin Howey.  

Martin is a coach and a doer. His advice is practical and to the point. Pick his brain, it will make a difference in your business, as it did in mine.”  

Alex Makarski  


“Martin is the Guy I Go To When I Need the Right Solution Immediately”  

“Martin is the guy I go to when I need the right solution immediately. He has a wealth of knowledge in so many areas and I can say that I would not enjoy near the success I enjoy today without his counsel. Martin was recommended to me by a man I have known and trusted for years and the reasons are clear. I am better off as a result of working with Martin and, perhaps even better so are my clients.”  

Steve Clauson  


What Separates Martin From Nearly Almost All Others  

Is That He Has Walked His Talk.”

“Martin simply knows how to get results for any business and has an amazing ability to teach others how to do the same.  

What separates Martin from nearly almost all others is that he has walked his talk. He has run successful companies as well as consulted Fortune 500 and 100 companies from all industries.  

Martin offers, uses and teaches proven strategies and techniques that work to increase the bottom line profits of any company.  

I have known Martin since 2007. He has been the one man I know I can turn to when I need an honest answer, opinion and to set me on the right course for my business or for one of my clients.  

Martin truly over delivers in all he does and makes it a point that his clients and students reach their goals. He is the most hands on, personable and reachable expert out there. He loves what he does and it shows in his passion to help as many people and businesses he can.  

If he offers to help, take it.  

If you have an opportunity to learn from him, grab it.  

If he offers to grow your business, sign him up. 

If he offers to be a friend, you will have a friend for life.”  

Larry Pacheco  


“Martin’s Desire [is] to Help Others and to Treat Everyone  

He Meets With the Utmost Respect”

“Martin draws upon a vast range of experience to provide business owners and managers with effective growth strategies and to train others in his field.  

This man truly cares – he is, above all, kind and giving by nature. Martin always appears motivated – first and foremost – by his desire to help others and to treat everyone he meets with the utmost respect. And that’s too rare a commodity.”  

Ken Thomson  


“Martin is the Most Intelligent, Strategic and Inventive Person I Know” 

Martin Howey is quite honestly the sharpest business professional I have worked with in my 20 plus year career. He constantly challenges me to think outside the box, yet he supports my decisions and strategies. He values my opinion, but also pushes me to be the best I can possibly be. I owe much of my career to whatever he saw in me in my early years. Martin is the most intelligent, strategic and inventive person I know. Give him a challenge and he will sort through numerous strategies and articulate the best approach in a clear and easily executable manner. I would love the opportunity to work with him again!”  

Jody Gouge  

South Carolina  

“Working With Martin Will Be One of the Best Choices  

You Will Make For You and Your Business” 

“I highly recommend Martin – he is a world class expert in business and marketing, and a trusted adviser.  

Working with Martin will be one of the best choices you will make for you and your business.  

In an ever changing business world, Martin is a guiding light to help you steer the course of business.”  

Dean Thomson  


“Martin Has Helped Me Learn What I Need to Do  

to Become a Top Business Consultant in My Area”  

“Where to begin….Martin is a wonderful, insightful and talented business owner and consultant as well as a great trainer. With TopLine Business Solutions Martin has helped me learn what I need to do to become a top business consultant in my area. I would recommend Martin to anyone looking to become a business consultant.”  

Regina Drury  


“Martin… Provides You with All the Tools to Get  

Your Clients the Results. Period.”

“I had Martin show me how to become a far better consultant than I could have on my own. He teaches you not only the right way, simple way to get clients and keep them, he provides you with all the tools to get your clients the results. Period. I have nothing but respect for Martin and continued success for us both!”  

Steven Bell  


“Martin Covered Many of the Topics ‘They Don’t  

Teach You in Business School’” 

“I attended a 3-day training seminar on the topic of marketing, sales and consulting. I felt that Martin’s material covered many of the topics “they don’t teach you in business school”. The tools presented were very helpful and Martin has a wealth of experience and ideas. This experience was very valuable and I would highly recommend Martin for his marketing expertise.”  

Don Foley  


“Actionable Business Tools That Produce Results”  

“Martin and Topline provide a set of tools and techniques that will make any business more successful. These are actionable business tools that produce results. Try Topline and find out for yourself.”  

Tom Rather  


“Martin is the ‘Real Deal’ and a Rare Find in  

Today’s Highly Competitive Marketplace” 

“Where to begin with Martin. First of all, Martin is a real class act. He does what he says he will do and more. He has the skill to see thru the business clutter, and cut to the chase of a situation. Once there Martin can present so many solutions to an opportunity that your head will spin. Each one better than the other.  

Yes, Martin is the ‘real deal’ and a rare find in today’s highly competitive marketplace. It is not so much you choosing Martin to work with, as it is Martin choosing you to work with. If you are chosen by Martin – then my friend you are in very fine company.”  

Vincent DiGiulio  

New York 

“Martin Will… Change Your Life for the Better” 

“There are few individuals that I give recommendations to. However, when it comes to Martin I have no hesitation in strongly advising you that, if you are lucky enough to be in the presence of this man and learn from him, it will change your life for the better. There are few on the planet that have his Integrity and ability.”  

Ian Marsh  


“If You EVER Have the Chance to Work With Martin, Do It!”  

“Brilliant beyond words!  

Martin represents the kind of intelligence and business savvy that just can’t be explained. You almost have to see him in action to understand how brilliant, generous and creative he really is.  

The business world needs more like him, so it is a good thing he is sharing his knowledge with the business world. I personally used just one of his marketing strategies and generate 26 leads in one day.You have to ask him about the details, since it is a secret “kung-fu move” of sorts.  

And there is more to like than just his business savvy. Martin is a true friend to his clients and colleagues. Every-time I call, he is there to help. He genuinely cares about the success of others and there are very few people in the business world like him.  

If you EVER have the chance to work with Martin, do it! Working with Martin will improve your business and your life. If you want to align yourself with successful, positive people then you need to meet Martin Howey.”  

Robert Stanley  


“Martin is Like the Niagara Falls of Business  

Growth Expertise and Marketing Savvy" 

In my nearly 30 years as a professional, I’ve never known a greater business leader, or better human being, than Martin Howey. His absolute commitment to your success is nothing short of astonishing. And he’s a constant flow of insights, guidance, and encouragement. He’s like the Niagara Falls of business growth expertise and marketing savvy. His ability to craft practical and profitable solutions out of the limited resources of small business owners always amazes me. I’ve watched countless times as he turned one simple idea into something miraculous. Some people may think that’s hyperbole… but it’s not. It’s just the way it is when you work with Martin. 

Lake Furney  

North Carolina 

“In Less Than a Year I’ve More Than Doubled  

My Initial Investment In Martin’s Training”  

“It was difficult to know which way to go when I needed truly professional business coaching. I’d been researching different companies & programs, but I really didn’t feel comfortable moving forward with any of them…until I found out about Martin Howey & Topline Business Solutions.  

Let me tell you what’s happened since meeting Martin a year ago…  

1. I’ve been armed with invaluable business insights that continue to bare fruit for me. 

2. In less than a year I’ve more than doubled my initial investment in his training.

3. My clients are even more appreciative of the transformations we create in their businesses. 

4. Realizing just how important this knowledge is, it’s inspired me to create programs of my own to reach an even larger group of struggling business owners.  

There is a direct correlation between Martin’s training & mentor-ship and the impact it continues to have on my life. He’s honest, giving, authentic & willing to go the extra mile to make sure you succeed.  

Thank you Martin for being a mentor to me, to the future!  

Colin Taylor  

North Carolina 

“Martin’s Advice ALWAYS Works for Me"

“Martin is a genuine business guru–he’s taught me more about growing a business than just about any other source I can think of (and that’s a high bar)–when I have a particularly difficult problem, he’s the one I go to first. I trust him, I admire him, his advice ALWAYS works for me, and, if you’re trying to start or grow a business, I HIGHLY recommend him.”  

Terry Peltes  


“I Put Martin In a League With Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy and Myself”  

“Martin is one of my most trusted colleagues, and far more approachable than most. As a marketing GURU myself, there are few other that I believe bring as much to the table as I can. Martin is certainly one of those. I put him in a league with Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy and myself. In fact, when I want to run something by a colleague, Martin is among the first and few I contact. He’s always willing to talk and share the full value of his expertise, which is considerable. You can’t go wrong working with Martin.”  

Jim Ackerman 


“EVERY Single Idea Martin Has Given Me Has  

Made Me a Healthy Profit!”

“Martin has always given me the very best professional marketing ideas that can be implemented easily and affordably! EVERY single idea Martin has given me has made me a healthy profit!  

PLUS, he is truly a warm, classy, stand up type gentleman that I am lucky to call a friend!”  

Michael Carroll  


"I Attended Your TopLine Training and Walked Away  

a Different Person!”


In October 2006 I attended your TopLine training and walked away a different person. As you know, I was just starting my consulting business and looking for some direction. Not only was my direction clearer, the tactics I learned during that long week of training, I still apply today with my all my clients. Coming up on 5 years now in business, I wouldn’t be standing here today without Martin’s training and guidance. A true business leader, teacher and valued friend.”  

John R. Beck 


“Martin’s Material Just Flat Out Works” 

“I have had the privilege of training with Martin Howey in his Topline program and corresponding with him as a fellow marketer. He is one of the most knowledgeable marketers and business consultants I have worked with over the past 30 years. His material just flat out works. More important to me personally, is Martin himself. His integrity, passion, and true caring for the people he works for makes him a unique and very special individual. If you have the chance to work with Martin or to go through any of his trainings, jump on it. You won’t regret the decision!!

Topline is a fantastic program, but more important you as the “engine” behind Topline and as a great role model for our marketing and business environment (and as a great human being) have been important to me. We need more honor and integrity in this business …you are giving us some of that.”  

Preston Campbell  


“Martin Has a Record For Helping Other People  

Achieve Their Personal and Financial Goals”

“Martin is a true prince. Really. His generous spirit, willingness to teach others in a humble manner, and all around good nature endear him to others-fast. 

Then there’s his businesses sense, and a pretty-much unrelieved record for helping other people achieve their personal and financial goals.  

A truly great guy. It’s an honor to know him.”  

Lawton Chiles  


“Martin Is Someone I’d Turn To In An Instant For 

Advice Example, or Experience”  

“The consulting and advisory world is filled with untested experts, self-appointed gurus, and internally-anointed geniuses. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet and consult with a few of the “real-deal”, real-world experts in business. Martin is one of those people.  

He’s a man of immense capability, a rare talent, and an example of integrity in action. Martin lives and breathes what he teaches and preaches and is a living example of what’s possible in life and in business when a mind is rightly-focused and actions are clearly directed.  

Martin bridges the gap between theory and reality, words and action, plans and execution. He’s someone I’d turn to in an instant for advice, example, or experience; in fact, I already have. He’s a “been there, done that” kind of guy. Martin’s on my “A” team.” 

Spike Humer  


“Martin Has An Uncanny Knack of Cutting Through the  

Crap and Getting To the Hub of a Business Problem”

“I first worked with Martin in 2003 when he was instrumental in helping me set up my company.His advice and help were one of the reasons I was I was able to start producing as quickly as I did.  

Martin has continued to provide support and guidance whenever I needed it. I regard him as both a business associate and good friend.  

Martin has an uncanny knack of cutting through the crap and getting to the hub of a business problem then finding a solution which invariably works to improve the business.”  

Paul Henry  


“Martin Brought It All Together In a Clear, Concise,  

Understandable Manner” 

“I have spent thousands of dollars to learn about business development and marketing and without a doubt Martin is THE best there is. He brought it all together in a clear, concise, understandable manner – but most importantly delivered on results. Anyone even thinking of using Martin’s services should have no hesitation doing so. I give him a 15 out of a scale of 10. He is truly the best.” 

Nina Hershberger  


“Martin Stands Out As a True Expert in the Marketing  

and Business Development Arena”

“In a market place filled with over hyped marketing expertise where there are far too many people peddling things of little substance, Martin stands out as a true expert in the market and business development arena.  

His clear, concise, and substantive approach provides great value to those that have the good fortune to work with him. His results oriented style is refreshing mainly because of the value delivered through this teaching and collaborations.  

If you are looking to increase the profitability and reach of your business or your client(s) business, then I highly recommend Martin as an expert in this field.”  

Brent Finlay  


“When Martin Leads the Way, Great Things Are Done!”  

“I had the pleasure of meeting Martin at an Eben Pagan event many years ago. After spending a good deal of time together, I discovered that we had many mutual clients. Of our mutual clients, it became apparent why they were easier to work with than others and why their ducks were in a row. You see, they had all spent time with one of the brightest minds in business and had the smarts to hire Martin to help them intensify their business.  

As a business transformation, and process implementer, I truly enjoy working with businesses that have already been exposed to Martin’s business acumen. What I discovered was that when Martin leads the way, great things are done! Thank you Martin for helping to make my work life easier!  

Frank Curtin  


“Martin Can Bring Profit-Building Insight and Focus to Your Business”  

“I know quite a few people who have unimpeachable character, and I know many people who have true financial abundance, and even a handful of people with genius-level business insight. I know very few people – I can count them on my fingers – who have all three. Martin Howey is one of those few.  

If you need someone who can bring profit-building insight and focus to your business, and you want that someone to be trustworthy, tried and true – Martin is your man.”  

Ray Edwards  


“There’s No Way I Would Have Enjoyed the Success  

That I Have In Business If It Weren’t For Martin” 

“Martin Howey is one of nicest and smartest people on the planet when it comes to building businesses. He’s been there and done it so many times and he’s wonderfully generous in sharing his knowledge and expertise. He’ s taught me so much over the years and there’s no way I would have enjoyed the success that I have in business if it weren’t for him.”  

Nigel Botterill  


“Martin Howey Knows More About Building a  

Consulting Business Than Anyone I Know”  

“Martin Howey knows more about building a consulting business than anyone I know. More importantly, he knows how to teach people how to start and build their consulting business.  

Martin is incredibly generous, smart, and someone who really practices what he preaches.  

Watch how he markets his own business and you’ll learn so much. Then sign up for one of his programs and you’ll get everything you need to reach the success you want. I have learned so much from Martin and I am pleased to consider him a friend as well as a colleague.”  

Dan Grandstaff  

North Carolina 

“Martin Has a Wealth of Knowledge Pertaining to  

Helping Businesses To Be More Profitable”  

“I’d heard Martin’s name for awhile before I met him at a marketing seminar. I was fortunate enough to be able to share a meal with him there and get to know him a bit.  

While I don’t know the inner workings of his company, I CAN tell you that Martin strikes me as a man of integrity, with a wealth of knowledge pertaining to helping businesses to be more profitable.  

If you’re looking for help for your business or want the training that will allow you to help other businesses in need, Martin’s the one you should be talking with.”  

Paul Galloway  


“In Every Encounter I Have Had With Martin He Has Always  

Focused On How He Can Help Me… Rare Indeed  

“The business coaching and consulting industry is filled with good intentions, but often inexperienced people that merely regurgitate what they have learned from others. In this fast paced, ever changing environment it is critical that businesses get tried and tested expert advice from a seasoned entrepreneur – one that has “been there and done that.”..over and over, in all economies – that is Martin.  

He has been a successful entrepreneur for over 45 years and trained literally thousands of other coaches and business to achieve that same level of success.  

Martin and I belong to the exclusive business networking group know as SANG. It is a who’s-who of the business world and I have personally watched Martin share his unique experienced and insights with this group as they hang on every word he speaks.  

Perhaps Martin’s greatest asset is his warm, loving heart that you feel the moment you meet him. In every encounter I have had with Martin he has always focused on how he can help me…rare indeed.  

If you get the opportunity to work with Martin I promise it will be the best business experience of your life.  

Scott Hallman  


“There Is Not a Finer Man On the Planet.”

“I have worked indirectly with Martin in relationship to Product Launch Formula. Over the past 6 years I have met with Martin for a week at a time and I can tell you there is not a finer man on the planet. I hope you have the opportunity to work with him or to partner with him or just be a friend with him he’s the greatest. I can’t say anymore he’s the best.”  

Ted Pasternack  


“Martin Can Put Together A Strategic Plan To Help  

Your Business Grow And Prosper.” 

“Martin has to be the smartest business strategist around! He is my goto person for getting strategic advice about business and marketing, especially offline strategies. Regardless of what type of business or industry you’re in, Martin can put together a strategic plan to help your business grow and prosper.”  

Michele PW (Pariza Wacek)  


“There May Be More Experienced And Effective Consultants  

Than Martin, But I Don’t Know Who They Are.” 

“You will never meet anyone like Martin Howey.  

He’s at the top of his industry and has forgotten more than most business experts will ever learn … yet Martin is incredibly generous with his time. I was thrilled to meet him about 4 years ago at a seminar in Las Vegas and have tried to keep in touch ever since.  

Read the many testimonials about Martin here and you’ll see words like “character,” “generous,” “integrity,” and “trusted.”  

There may be more experienced and effective consultants than Martin, but I don’t know who they are. I do know, however, that I’ve never met a finer gentleman in the business world than Martin Howey.”  

Kevin Donlin  


“If You Have A Chance To Do Business With Martin…  

Don’t Hesitate To get Involved.” 

“I just wanted to say what a pleasure it was to work with Martin recently on a training program. He runs a class act and goes way above the call to make sure his students get top notch training and everything they need to succeed.  

If you have a chance to do business with Martin or enroll in one of his training programs, don’t hesitate to get involved. You’ll get a huge return on your investment, no question.”  

Daniel Levis  


“Martin’s Integrity And Customer Focus  

“I’ve known Martin for going almost 5 years now and have always benefited from his insights and wisdom. His integrity and customer focus are unparalleled, and his expertise is world class. In a world where “good enough is good enough”, Martin takes the high road and encourages his clients and students to do the right thing. It’s an inspiring model.”  

Alex Nghiem  


“Martin Is One Of The Few People On This Earth Who  

Is Willing To Share Everything He Knows… In Order  

To Help You Be Successful.” 

“Where do I start? When I first met Martin several years ago it was to learn his Topline Consulting Model. Martin is one of the few people on this earth who is willing to share everything he knows in the consulting/coaching/training industry in order to help you be successful. This is evident by the mountain of information you get after attending one of his trainings.  

Martin’s passion for business and commitment to his students is something many business professionals profess to do but few follow through. Martin is a true professional.  

Thank you for being a great adviser. Keep up the great work.”  

Alain Dumonceaux  


“Martin Will Not Only Help You Grow Your Business  

Beyond Your Expectations… He Will Transform Your Life!”  

I’ve known Martin Howey for over 4 years now and in that time here’s what I’ve discovered about him:  

He’s a MASTER salesman…  

– He’s a World Class marketer…  

– He knows more about how to profitably run and grow a business than anyone I’ve ever met…  

– He can take a look at your business and give you a whole new business growth paradigm in less than 5 minutes…  

– He can create an affordable strategy to bring you a FLOOD of highly-qualified business leads…  

– He can effortlessly help you create an upsell strategy that can increase your day-to-day sales 15%-30%…

– He can help you create highly-profitable strategic alliances even from your most ruthless competitors…  

– He can make your business THE business to beat in your market while leaving your competitors in the dust…  

– He can get your customers to willingly come back month-after-month, year-after-year while spending MORE on every transaction… 

Martin has a heart of Gold and always bend over backwards to help anyone who is willing to implement what he shares.  

The bottom-line is that Martin can take what you’re currently doing and realistically & INSTANTLY multiply it 50%-1000% or more…  

He will not only help grow your business beyond your expectations…[if you let him], he will transform your life!  

Scott Krech  

North Carolina 

“Martin Has An Incredibly Brilliant Mind For Business  

And Marketing Strategy.”

“Martin has an incredibly brilliant mind for business and marketing strategy and is a complete genius at taking creative ideas and turning them into profitable business solutions.  

Not only is he a highly regarded and respected business leader, he’s also one of the most generous people, with his time and his expertise, that I know.  

A man with a truly triumphant spirit and a heart of gold…I feel fortunate to call him my friend. Thank you for all you have done for me over the years.  

Martin has earned my strongest recommendation and I look forward to working with and learning from him in the future.”  

Shiela Mielcarek  


“Martin Is The Marketing Guru’s GURU.”  

“Martin is the marketing guru’s GURU. When anyone wants answers to sophisticated challenges in growing a business, Martin Howey is the Topline Solution I have found. He is always warm, friendly, and willing to help. It is part of who he is a person and always the professional. My first meeting with Martin revealed his super strength of body which complements his mental strength. He was able to get down and push pump out 15+ one-arm pushups! Very impressive.”  

Mitch Carson  


“Martin Has The Natural Ability To Look At A Company  

And See Exactly What Needs To Be Done To Be More 

Successful And Make More Money.”

“I had the great pleasure of spending a weekend with Martin at a coaching workshop and his insight and guidance about my business were unparalleled. He has the natural ability to look at a company and see exactly what needs to be done to be more successful and make more money. He has a laser beam focus that cuts right through to the fastest path to growth.  

He is brilliant,warm, funny and a pleasure to work with. I highly recommend Martin to anyone who wants to succeed and succeed big.  

Shanti Pincock, Ph.D  


“In A World Of Shady Characters With Questionable Values,  

Martin Howey Stands Above The Crowd.”  

“In a world of shady characters with questionable values, Martin Howey stands above the crowd. He is a man of impeccable character, who does what he says, when he says. What he says I take very seriously and know that it will impact me both professionally and personally. I give him my highest recommendation.”  

Jay Platt  


“Every Time We Work With Martin We Learn Incredibly  

Valuable New Stuff!” 

“Martin’s attitude, wisdom, coaching & Clients are awesome. Every time we work with Martin we learn incredibly valuable new stuff! We’ve even interviewed Martin for our Clients as he has so much knowledge and love for helping entrepreneurs create bigger futures!! You can watch and see what I mean”  

Gina DeLong  


“If You Are Looking For An Experience Guide Or Expert  

To Lead You On The Path To Growing Your Business And 

Improving Your Life, Martin Howey Is An Excellent Choice.” 

“I have known and worked with Martin Howey for several years. I have repeatedly witnessed the depth of his knowledge, his expertise, as well as his rare ability to selflessly care about the success of others. If you are looking for an experienced guide or expert to lead you on the path to growing your business and improving your life, Martin Howey is an excellent choice.”  

Jason Leister  


“Martin Is One Of The Most Sought-After Experts On The Planet.”  

“Having worked with Martin on many projects I have come to see him as one of my most trusted advisers. From his extraordinary mental Rolodex of strategies, contacts and business models to his track record of helping thousands of consultants to build highly profitable and thriving businesses, Martin is one of the most sought-after experts on the planet.  

If you are looking to give your consulting business a much-needed profit boost, enroll in one of Martin’s trainings today. From filling your trainings to sales strategies designed to close the deal quickly, you’ll walk away with proven, practical techniques that work fast!”  

Melanie Benson Strick  


“Martin Is One Of The Most Knowledgeable Businessmen I Know.”  

“I want to tell you about my friend Martin Howey. I met Martin the first time at a marketing seminar in 2009. Since then I have had the pleasure of getting to know to Martin personally. He is one of the most knowledgeable business men I know. I love the down to earth way he looks at complex business situations and his ability to make you understand and feel like you can take the next step to move your business forward. Thank you for everything Martin. You inspire me!”  

Michele Scism  


“Martin Is A Genius In Helping Your Business Grow.”  

“I’m certain that I echo the sentiment of many out there when I say that Martin is a genius in helping your business grow. The out of the box thinking that is shared by Martin allows you to see what may have been previously invisible but right in front of you. Utilizing his simple, yet powerful strategies will take your business to the next level. He’s also an amazing human being!”  

Larry Ostrovsky  


“What Makes Martin Stand Out Among The Many  

Business & Marketing Strategists Is His Authenticity, 

Passion And Human Kindness!”  

“I have worked with many business coaches & consultants over the past 20 years as an entrepreneur. What I love about Martin is his ability to take a typical, simple business strategy and tweak it so that it stands out and gets phenomenal results!  

But what I think makes Martin stand out among the many business & marketing strategists is his authenticity, passion and human kindness! I know that’s not what you think of when you think of making money. But coupled with his business brilliance, it is what makes creating a successful business worthwhile!  

Martin–thank you for being a business and human-being mentor to me!”  

MaryPat Kavanagh  


“Martin Is The BEST PERSON To Learn From.”  

“I’ve been blessed to have many mentors over my entire career and many have come and gone. Martin Howey is special in that he is a man of integrity who ACTUALLY CARES about his clients and consultants and is always ready to impart great wisdom.  

I walk away with notes in my journal from every conversation with Martin because he is the consummate teacher always willing to help and inspire you to do better and be your best.  

During Martin’s bout with cancer I learned a ton in our many conversations about business, life, relationships and the importance of family. There is more to life that business and if you don’t get that, Martin is a fine example of a man who understands the true meaning of life, living and caring about people.  

If you are considering Martin as a Mentor for your Business Consultancy, I can unequivocably say he is THE BEST PERSON to learn from. Again, because he cares about you and your success. You just have to do your part to work and make things happen!  

Thanks Martin for being a great Mentor and for Beating Colorectal Cancer!”  

Marlene Green  


Martin Truly Is The ‘Masters Master’ When It Comes To 

Business Strategy And Marketing”  

 “Wow! I already had an extensive library of business books, and I had spent tens of thousands of dollars educating myself on Marketing, Business strategy; and Copy writing. -I had even written two business books of my own…  

So I did not expect that getting the chance to spend three days with Martin Howey would be that impactful. -Was I wrong!  

Martin changed the model for my business with practical advice and materials which will increase my income by at least $50,000 this year and ten times that in the years to come.  

Martin truly is the “Masters Master” when it comes to business strategy and marketing.”  

Chris Hanlon  

New Zealand 

“After One Day, I Walked Away With An Action Plan 

That Grew My Company By 50%”  

Martin Howey spent a whole day with me in Arizona masterminding. After one day, I walked away with an action plan that later grew my company by 50%. He was phenomenal to work with. Martin has amazing insight to business, life, and marketing.  

I am still amazed how quickly he grasps things and explains them in a simple matter. He has been a great friend and colleague.  

Ethan Kap  


“After The Training Program My Confidence Level Has Gone Up  

And My Perspective Of Business Has Changed.”

Hi Martin,  

It’s a long time that i have not communicated to you after the training programme. I returned to india 15 days after meeting you. Things are fine.  

I would like to thank you for the good training, training materials and interactions. After the training program my confidence level has gone up and my perspective of business has changed. My primary idea in attending the workshop was to improve my business. And i got it after attending your programme. 

1. We got a business contract of $9000.00 we will be providing the services. We pitched in with a good sales letter.  

2. We are becoming a “Sales and Service partner” for one of the leading instruments manufacturing company from Switzerland. This was possible with my new approach to business with your input provided at the training.  

Thank you very much.  

 Also your “business optimization technique” is helping me in reducing the cost and improving the profit. I will keep updating you with improvements in me and in my business.  

Once again thank you so much for your teachings.  


Suresh Kamath  


“Martin’s TopLine Training Program And After-Service  

Support Blew My Highest Expectations Right Out Of The Water”  

It’s tough to say something about Martin’s over the top level of excellence, service, and business expertise that has not already been covered countless times over the last five decades.  

A couple of years ago I found myself needing a career change that would fit my past role as an executive and pay me just as well for my time. In the search for a non-franchise opportunity to run my own business growth advising company, I was introduced to TopLine business systems. Even with 40 years of being a successful entrepreneur, Martin’s TopLine training program and after service support blew my highest expectations right out of the water. 

Our company hit the magical six-figure annual revenue goal but not without some speed bumps. The miracle here is that where most programs just let you fizzle out, Martin stayed with us through the whole process, including a couple of false starts because of my failure to trust and follow the systems he provided us with.   

As long as we did the work, he promised to make sure we’d succeed. Once we started using the training, as taught, we were off to the races. We are on track to be near the mid-six figures this year and have every expectation to see that seven-figure annual revenue in the following year.  

If you are looking for your own company to help other businesses get to their next level and get paid well, you need to schedule a Discovery Call today with Martin. One of the best investment returns I’ve had in all my years. Thanks, Martin!  

Mark Anderson  


"Martin is the smartest man I know." 

I met Martin when he reached out to me to discuss some marketing ideas (that's the business I'm in). What I discovered is that Martin is the man with the midas touch when it comes to growing your business!  

Martin has shared with me idea after idea that has lead to additional take-home money over and over again.  

If you ever get the chance to work with Martin, get consulting with Martin, or attend any of his higher end training classes, you must not let that opportunity slip away. What he share will change your financial future! 

Pete Mitchell 


"Martin has a high level of humanism and integrity  

who I widely recommend" 

Martin is an excellent Business Consultant who has certificated several consultants in different places around the world for many decades. Personally, I am proud of consider myself a close friend of Martin due to his great moral solvency and ethics.  

Likewise, a professionalism that not only supports the enterprises and consultants that he has certificated, but also the general public from different positions.  

Furthermore, Martin is a cancer survivor who has inspired quite a few persons to get the best out of themselves, for me he is a great man which main priorities are family and the society in which he belongs. This is a person with a high level of humanism and integrity who I widely recommend.  

I am truly grateful for all the teachings that Martin had enlightened me and I consider him, besides an excellent tutor, a second father. 

Juan Pablo Paredes Ramirez 


"Martin's unwavering commitment to the development  

and growth of others is second to none!

Martin is one of the best givers and selfless leaders I have ever had the privileges to study under, learn from and apply under. His unwavering commitment to the development and growth of others is second to none! I'm humbled, honored and blessed to call him one of my best mentors teachers and friends.

The greatest characteristic quality I love most and enjoy about Mr. Martin is his humble mastery of serving his family and others with integrity and power.  

Sean McCullough 


"Martin is one of the most honest people I know and always over delivers" 

I have learned a great deal from Martin about business, coaching and life.  

Martin is one of the most honest people I know and always over delivers on anything he does for clients or colleagues. He is a league of his own and I am honored to know him. 

Mike Seitz 


Here's What A Handful Of Our Clients Have To Say...

“Martin is the marketing guru’s GURU. When anyone wants answers to sophisticated challenges in growing a business, Martin Howey is the Topline Solution I have found. He is always warm, friendly, and willing to help. It is part of who he is a person and always the professional. 

My first meeting with Martin revealed his super strength of body which complements his mental strength. He was able to get down and push pump out 15+ one-arm pushups! Very impressive.”

Mitch C.

“In a world of shady characters with questionable values, Martin Howey stands above the crowd. 

He is a man of impeccable character, who does what he says, when he says. 

What he says I take very seriously and know that it will impact me both professionally and personally. 

I give him my highest recommendation.”

Jay P.

“I want to tell you about my friend Martin Howey. I met Martin the first time at a marketing seminar in 2009. Since then I have had the pleasure of getting to know to Martin personally. 

He is one of the most knowledgeable business men I know. I love the down to earth way he looks at complex business situations and his ability to make you understand and feel like you can take the next step to move your business forward. Thank you for everything Martin. You inspire me!”

Michele S.

“I’m certain that I echo the sentiment of many out there when I say that Martin is a genius in helping your business grow. 

The out of the box thinking that is shared by Martin allows you to see what may have been previously invisible but right in front of you. 

Utilizing his simple, yet powerful strategies will take your business to the next level. 

He’s also an amazing human being!”

Larry O.  

Martin Howey spent a whole day with me in Arizona masterminding. After one day, I walked away with an action plan that later grew my company by 50%. 

He was phenomenal to work with. Martin has amazing insight to business, life, and marketing.

I am still amazed how quickly he grasps things and explains them in a simple matter. He has been a great friend and colleague.

Ethan K.

Martin is one of the best givers and selfless leaders I have ever had the privileges to study under, learn from and apply under. His unwavering commitment to the development and growth of others is second to none! I'm humbled, honored and blessed to call him one of my best mentors teachers and friends.

The greatest characteristic quality I love most and enjoy about Mr. Martin is his humble mastery of serving his family and others with integrity and power.

Sean M.

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IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers: The sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of building my own businesses for the last 50 years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT register for this training. 

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.